Monday, February 02, 2009

Blast from the past,,,,

I finally got to see my Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill a couple of weekends ago. All of us, plus Uncle Bruce, Aunt Patti, Aunt Nancy, and my dad went to the Bayou for lunch. It was yummy. And since we had not seen each other at Christmas I received our nifty printer/scanner from Aunt Jo. THANKS SO MUCH! We love it!
Here are some old pictures that I just got around to scanning. I am sure that there are a ton more in my archives. Enjoy a blast from the past.

I assume all I wanted for Christmas in 1984 was my FOUR front teeth. This is my sister, Kelly and I at Bohemian Beach. My sister looks like a little old man in this picture.

Kelly and I at my Dad's company picnic in 1986. Love the face paint! But I love the uneven bangs more! Did my mom allow us to cut our own hair? I hope she didn't pay for those 'do's.

I loved that little keyboard. I kinda wish I still had it. Unfortunately I still have that same goofy, toothy grin. I will never outgrow that smile.

This is Max, the very first Manx cat(cat w/out a tail) we ever had. In this picture (from 1986) he is nursing a broken leg. He got into a fight with a Raccoon. Fortunately it healed and he lived a happy life.

My mom and dad in the late 70's. I am digging my dad's haircut in this picture.

My favorite!! This is my poppop and grandmother in Ocean City in the 50's!