But it is the swimming that I love the most. It is Phelps-mania here in central Maryland. I usually get tired of all the hoopla surrounding a popular person or event. But I find myself drawn to this story. I read all of the online articles and try to watch all of the meets. I love all of the little factoids that show up on the pre-packaged pieces that air before he races (shoe size-14, wingspan- 6 feet, 7 inches, what is on his ipod- hip hop, what is he eating- pizza and pasta). I actually cheer out loud when he is winning! Being a devoted Washington Redskins fan I know what it is like to root for a less-than-stellar team. I always wondered what it would be like to be a New England Fan or a Yankees Fan. Those fans can share their glee with the rest of the world. Not that I am ashamed of the 'Skins (this is their year, I can feel it) but it is nice to root for someone who is the best in the world, no doubts at all. It makes one very proud to be an American and a Marylander.
Tonight is the last race. Olympic/US history in the making!! I cannot wait....
GO USA!!!!

UPDATE----he did it! Awesome job!!!