Previously "The Real OC." Pictures and comments by Kristina Poughkeepsie.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Stop.....Family Time!
My wonderful cousin flew in from the dirrrty south to visit. We got to spend so much time together over a two week rocked. Karin and I are convinced that we are "soul cousins". ...long story. Anyway, I got to spend time with her husband, Brian and daughter Solana. Solana has grown up so much since I last saw her(living far away from loved ones sucks). But she is a doll. Pics to prove:
Plus, Karin is preggers again....woot! Another kid in the family rocks! Being an auntie is fun! I really like the part where the kids go home with their parents!
Living and working is Rising Sun, Maryland. Working for a better tomorrow while enjoying the miracle of today.
I have the perfect partner in Jim, who is probably the most interesting man in the world...