Here are some old pictures that I just got around to scanning. I am sure that there are a ton more in my archives. Enjoy a blast from the past.
I assume all I wanted for Christmas in 1984 was my FOUR front teeth. This is my sister, Kelly and I at Bohemian Beach. My sister looks like a little old man in this picture.
Kelly and I at my Dad's company picnic in 1986. Love the face paint! But I love the uneven bangs more! Did my mom allow us to cut our own hair? I hope she didn't pay for those 'do's.
I loved that little keyboard. I kinda wish I still had it. Unfortunately I still have that same goofy, toothy grin. I will never outgrow that smile.
This is Max, the very first Manx cat(cat w/out a tail) we ever had. In this picture (from 1986) he is nursing a broken leg. He got into a fight with a Raccoon. Fortunately it healed and he lived a happy life.
My mom and dad in the late 70's. I am digging my dad's haircut in this picture.
My favorite!! This is my poppop and grandmother in Ocean City in the 50's!