Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Susquehanna State Park

Sunday was such a beautiful day that we went to the Susquehanna State Park. It is just five minutes from our house and FREE! It is so lush and alive. The canopy of trees and the abundance of fresh water and wildlife is amazing. I am sure that I have been there before as a child but I don't have any specific memories of it. We took loads of pictures(including the ones in the previous post.)
Visit the web site for more info

Monday, August 07, 2006

More Bugs!

So, by now everyone is aware of my obsession with bugs. On Sunday, Ryan and I went to a local park (of which I will post pics of later) where the bugs were out in full force. Here are some cool pictures of some interesting bugs.....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Licking his chops

I got the cutest candid shot of Oscar the other day and I thought that I would share it with the masses.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Redskins Fever

The mighty, mighty Redskins have a scrimmage against the Balto Ravens this Saturday. That should be pretty exciting--too bad it won't be on TV. The tickets are free but we have stupid commitments-blah! Anyway, I am pretty upset about some of the scheduling the first part of the season. On the 11th of September the 'Skins play the Vikings on Monday night football. It sucks that it is so early in the season. And as much as the incoherent ramblings of Madden annoyed me, I will miss the old fart. But the part that really sucks is that the very next Sunday the Redskins play at Dallas. One less day of rest, plus they have to travel! We'll just have to see! Anyway, schedules or not I am super excited the football is starting! Go SKINS!!!!!